Health Castle Ltd

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Health Castle was founded in 1992 and mainly carry the Rehabilitation and Medical Products which include Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Prosthetic & Orthotics, Walking Aids like Wheelchairs and Walking Frame etc.

Apart from these, we are also expertise on design and installation of Multi Sensory Room (Snoezelen Room). We have successfully introduced the first Multi Sensory Room to Hong Kong in 1995. By using the Multi Sensory Room. Positive effect on clients with cerebral palsy and dementia are received.


健康堡於1992年成立, 專門經營及銷售各類復康及醫療用品, 包括物理治療, 職業治療, 骨科矯形, 復康用具, 如輪椅及助行器等.

除復康及醫療用品外,本公司並專門設計及安裝多感官功能治療室. 並於1995年成功引入全港第一間多感官功能治療室. 多感官功能室對治療智障人仕及老人痴呆症者有良好效果.


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