Health Castle Ltd

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The BASIC FCE SYSTEM contains the MYOROM Interface for direct computer input of the Hand Grip Test, the Inclinometry Tests, the Static Strength Tests and the Dynametric Muscle Tests. This MYOROM Interface also has software that allows the user to use all of these gauges for any orthopedic patient with full color graphic reports, which multiplies the utility of the BASIC FCE SYSTEM.

The BASIC FCE System includes the following items.

a MYOROM Interface
a Color Notebook Computer
a AcuFORCE Dynamometer
a Color Inkjet Printer
a AcuGRIP Hand Dynamometer
a Interface Cart
a AcuROM Spinal Inclinometer
a The Blankenship System FCE Certification
a FCESoft-2000 Software Seminar
a Lift Station II
a Omni 100 Static Platform
a Lifting Boxes Set
a Work Box - 12” x 12” Open Top, Straight & Ergonomic
a Overhead Lift and Carry Box - 8” x 12” with Dowel Handle
a Original Box - 12” x 12” x 14” with Lid and Handles
a Real Box - 12” Lift Box with Lid, But No Handles
a Omni 200 Force Gauge
  a B & L Pinch Grip Dynamometer
a The SLED for Dynamic Push-Pull Testing
a Purdue Pegboard for Fine Motor Skills Testing
a Heart Rate Monitor: Touch Sensor Lead
a The STEP
a The Stacking CUBE
a Steel Disc Weights - 230 lbs.
a 20 each 10 lb. Discs
a 5 each 5 lb. Discs
a 2 each 2 ˝ lb. Discs
a Weight Cart for The SLED
a Accessory Package
a Reflex Hammer
a Two Point Discrimination Gauge
a C-128 Tuning Fork
a Tally Counter
a Stop Watch
a Tape Measure
a PAIN - RPE Cards - 2 each
a Color Notebook Computer
a Color Inkjet Printer
a Interface Cart
a Blankenship F.C.E. Certification

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